Imovirtual: “Nossa casa Nosso Mundo”

Video case narrated by Imovirtual CEO

Teaser video for the campaign 

Video Master

Video showing how our houses became our atelier

Video showing how our houses became our cinema

Video showing how our houses became our Gym

Video showing how our houses became our Home Office

Video showing how our houses became our Restaurant 

Final Video


During the pandemic, ImoVirtual approached us because they wanted to engage with an audience locked at home and felt confused about their next move.

After thinking about the issue, we realised that all people saw their houses changed, a house is not only a place you go and sleep in, no it's your gym, your cinema, the school of your kids, your house has become your world.

With this, we created a campaign for 3 months where we first asked people what they changed in their houses; after that, we asked what the changes that are here to stay are, and in last phase was all about sharing these changes and rewarding the best ones.

The results were amazing and we won a silver award for the best creative online campaign in Lusofono awards.