Instagram Posts

Book "Two Heads full of movies"


5 years ago I wanted to create something with my daughter, something that would make us more connected because she was living in the Uk, and I was in Portugal.

We loved movies, was always something that connected us so we decided to make an Instagram page, it would be just a bit of fun because she was only 13 at the time but I always saw it as a great time for her to see what was to be a creator.

With time our little page grew to over 25k followers, and we created a great community, and over these five years, we always have been active no matter what.

We struck a deal with VUE, one of the biggest chains of cinemas in the UK with paid partnerships, are part of many Instagram and youtube communities about cinema and also launched our Tiktok not long ago and with over 8k followers, we have over 7.5 million views.

Recently we also launched www.unyolo.com, we wrote a book during the pandemic that we will release soon, and we are starting our podcast this year and that is only the start.